
Suomisport Public API for external clients. The API does not replace the 2.0 API, instead it provides functions that the 2.0 API does not cover. This definition covers the parts of the 3.0 Public API which can be used be all 3rd party software.
More information:
Contact Info:
Version: 3.2.0
Proprietary License


  1. OAuth AuthorizationUrl:TokenUrl:


[ Jump to Models ]

Table of Contents











get /area-association
Retrieve the list of all area associations of Suomisport (getAllAreaAssociations)

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "id" : 0,
  "officialName" : "officialName",
  "grantStatementGroup" : {
    "primaryName" : "primaryName",
    "id" : 6
}, {
  "id" : 0,
  "officialName" : "officialName",
  "grantStatementGroup" : {
    "primaryName" : "primaryName",
    "id" : 6
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The list of all Suomisport area associations was retrieved successfully

get /area-association/{areaAssociationId}/listChildren
Retrieve the list of children of an area association (listAreaAssociationChildren)

Path parameters

areaAssociationId (required)
Path Parameter — The id of the area association super organization format: int64

Query parameters

page (optional)
Query Parameter — Skip over a number of elements by specifying an offset value for the query default: 0 format: int32
size (optional)
Query Parameter — Limit the number of elements on the response default: 50 format: int32
ts (optional)
Query Parameter — Last-modified timestamp to allow fetching only lately updated organizations. format: date-time
tsOrder (optional)
Query Parameter — Order lists by last-modified timestamp.
businessId (optional)
Query Parameter — Return only suborganizations with specified business id.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "pageable" : {
    "total" : 0,
    "size" : 1,
    "page" : 0
  "content" : [ {
    "areaAssociationId" : 2,
    "municipalityId" : 7,
    "organizationCollectionType" : { },
    "address" : {
      "streetAddress" : "streetAddress",
      "countryCode" : "countryCode",
      "postCode" : "postCode",
      "state" : "state",
      "postOffice" : "postOffice"
    "areaAssociationName" : "areaAssociationName",
    "businessId" : "businessId",
    "description" : "description",
    "sportsFederationId" : 5,
    "officialName" : "officialName",
    "abbreviation" : "abbreviation",
    "parentOrganizationId" : 1,
    "organizationType" : { },
    "sportId" : 6,
    "emailAddress" : "emailAddress",
    "phoneNumber" : "phoneNumber",
    "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
    "masterSportId" : 9,
    "masterClubName" : "masterClubName",
    "masterClubId" : 5,
    "registrationNumber" : "registrationNumber",
    "iban" : "iban",
    "id" : 0,
    "bic" : "bic"
  }, {
    "areaAssociationId" : 2,
    "municipalityId" : 7,
    "organizationCollectionType" : { },
    "address" : {
      "streetAddress" : "streetAddress",
      "countryCode" : "countryCode",
      "postCode" : "postCode",
      "state" : "state",
      "postOffice" : "postOffice"
    "areaAssociationName" : "areaAssociationName",
    "businessId" : "businessId",
    "description" : "description",
    "sportsFederationId" : 5,
    "officialName" : "officialName",
    "abbreviation" : "abbreviation",
    "parentOrganizationId" : 1,
    "organizationType" : { },
    "sportId" : 6,
    "emailAddress" : "emailAddress",
    "phoneNumber" : "phoneNumber",
    "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
    "masterSportId" : 9,
    "masterClubName" : "masterClubName",
    "masterClubId" : 5,
    "registrationNumber" : "registrationNumber",
    "iban" : "iban",
    "id" : 0,
    "bic" : "bic"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The list of area association children was retrieved successfully PublicOrganizationPage


get /sportsfederation/{federationId}/mastersports
Find sports by id of the federation (findFederationMasterSports)
Finds list of sports by id of the federation

Path parameters

federationId (required)
Path Parameter — Id of the federation format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "nameFi" : "nameFi",
  "nameSe" : "nameSe",
  "description" : "description",
  "id" : 1
}, {
  "nameFi" : "nameFi",
  "nameSe" : "nameSe",
  "description" : "description",
  "id" : 1
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The list of the sports of the federation

get /mastersports
Find list of all master sports (findMasterSports)
Finds list of master sports

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "nameFi" : "nameFi",
  "nameSe" : "nameSe",
  "description" : "description",
  "id" : 1
}, {
  "nameFi" : "nameFi",
  "nameSe" : "nameSe",
  "description" : "description",
  "id" : 1
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The list of the sports

get /municipalities
Get the municipalities of Finland (getMunicipalities)
Get details of all municipalities in Finland.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "nameFi" : "nameFi",
  "nameSe" : "nameSe",
  "id" : 0,
  "areaAssociation" : {
    "emailAddress" : "emailAddress",
    "phoneNumber" : "phoneNumber",
    "primaryName" : "primaryName",
    "id" : 6
}, {
  "nameFi" : "nameFi",
  "nameSe" : "nameSe",
  "id" : 0,
  "areaAssociation" : {
    "emailAddress" : "emailAddress",
    "phoneNumber" : "phoneNumber",
    "primaryName" : "primaryName",
    "id" : 6
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Returns all of the municipalities of Finland as a list.

post /oauth/tokens
Fetch tokens (getTokens)
Fetch access, refresh and id tokens

Request headers

Authorization (optional)
Header Parameter — OpenID Connect basic authorization header

Query parameters

grant_type (required)
Query Parameter

Determines the mechanism to authorize the creation of the tokens

The legal values are:

  • authorization_code
  • refresh_token
client_id (optional)
Query Parameter — The Suomisport id of the client
client_secret (optional)
Query Parameter — OAuth 2 state
redirect_uri (optional)
Query Parameter — Url to redirect after successful login
code (optional)
Query Parameter — Authorization code
scope (optional)
Query Parameter — A list of scope that the client wants to be included in the access token
refresh_token (optional)
Query Parameter — Required if grant_type is refresh_token
code_verifier (optional)
Query Parameter

Code verifier for PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients).

A cryptographically random string that is used to correlate the authorization request to the token request.

NOTE: this is required parameter for PKCE-clients i.e. the clients using the Suomisport OIDC without client_secret.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "access_token" : "access_token",
  "refresh_token" : "refresh_token",
  "id_token" : "id_token",
  "token_type" : "token_type",
  "expires_in" : 0


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



200 response Token

get /oauth/authorize
Send an authentication request (grantClientCredentials)
Send an authentication request

Query parameters

response_type (optional)
Query Parameter — OAuth2 response type, for now only 'code' is supported
client_id (optional)
Query Parameter — The Suomisport id of the client
redirect_uri (optional)
Query Parameter — Url to redirect after successful login
state (optional)
Query Parameter — OAuth 2 state
scope (optional)
Query Parameter — OAuth 2 scopes (
nonce (optional)
Query Parameter — String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks.
code_challenge (optional)
Query Parameter

Code challenge for PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients).

A challenge derived from the code verifier that is sent in the authorization request, to be verified against later. BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier))) == code_challenge

NOTE: this is required parameter for PKCE-clients i.e. the clients using the Suomisport OIDC without client_secret.

code_challenge_method (optional)
Query Parameter

Code challenge method for PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients). Defaults to "plain" if not present in the request.

The legal code verifier transformation method values are:

  • S256
  • plain

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



200 response String


302 response

post /webhook-example

This is the example endpoint for clients using Suomisport webhooks.

Webhooks are supported for Suomisport events and event registrations. Client can register itself as a webhook listener by providing a webhook URL when creating an event to the Suomisport.

Webhook event contains a Suomisport id_token as a request header "Authorization: Bearer <id_token>". Client must verify the token and check that the audience claim of the token matches to the webhook target URL.

NOTE: this endpoint is not implemented in Suomisport API. It is just an example for clients to implement theirs.



This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

input EventWebhookEvent (optional)
Body Parameter — The payload of the webhook event


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Webhook event is handled successfully. Suomisport will not retry sending the event when client responds with status code 200.


Suomisport will retry sending events 4 times if client returns an error to the Suomisport.


post /event/{eventUuid}/participants
Add participants to event (createEventParticipants)

Path parameters

eventUuid (required)
Path Parameter — UUID of the event

Request body

input CreateEventParticipants (required)
Body Parameter — The information of the event participants and optional details of the granting of the event merits


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Event participants saved successfully


get /master-club/{masterClubId}/sportsClubs
Retrieve the list of subordinate sports clubs of the master club (getSportsClubs)

Path parameters

masterClubId (required)
Path Parameter — The id of the master club super organization format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "sports" : [ {
    "nameFi" : "nameFi",
    "nameSe" : "nameSe",
    "description" : "description",
    "id" : 1
  }, {
    "nameFi" : "nameFi",
    "nameSe" : "nameSe",
    "description" : "description",
    "id" : 1
  } ],
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "sportsFederationId" : 6,
  "id" : 0
}, {
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "sports" : [ {
    "nameFi" : "nameFi",
    "nameSe" : "nameSe",
    "description" : "description",
    "id" : 1
  }, {
    "nameFi" : "nameFi",
    "nameSe" : "nameSe",
    "description" : "description",
    "id" : 1
  } ],
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "sportsFederationId" : 6,
  "id" : 0
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The list of subordinate sports clubs was retrieved successfully


post /merit
Create a new Suomisport Merit (createMerit)

Request body

input CreateMerit (optional)
Body Parameter — The information of the merit to be created

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "meritGroupId" : 6,
  "name" : "name",
  "id" : 0


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The information of the created merit CreatedMerit


get /api-version-info
Get API version information (getApiVersion)
Returns the API version information

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "patch" : "",
  "fullVersion" : "",
  "major" : "",
  "minor" : ""


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



successful operation Version


get /organization/municipality/list
Finds all municipalities registered as organizations to Suomisport (findAllMunicipalities)
Finds all Suomisport municipality organizations

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "id" : 0
}, {
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "id" : 0
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Returns all municipalities registered as organizations to Suomisport

get /organization/sports-federation/list
Finds all Suomisport sports federations (findAllSportsFederations)
Finds all Suomisport sports federations and returns them as an array.


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

includePassive (optional)
Query Parameter — If true, sports federations with passive status are returned also. default: false

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "organizationType" : { },
  "organizationCollectionType" : { },
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "organizationOrigin" : { },
  "id" : 0,
  "hasAdminUsers" : true,
  "organizationCollectionDetails" : {
    "superOrganizationId" : 6,
    "memberOrganizationCount" : 1
}, {
  "organizationType" : { },
  "organizationCollectionType" : { },
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "organizationOrigin" : { },
  "id" : 0,
  "hasAdminUsers" : true,
  "organizationCollectionDetails" : {
    "superOrganizationId" : 6,
    "memberOrganizationCount" : 1
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Returns found Suomisport sports federations as an array.

get /organization/getMultiple
Fetch multiple organization entities at once (getMultiple)
This API call returns those organization entities out of the given list which have not been deleted and do not have status PASSIVE.

Query parameters

organizationIds (required)
Query Parameter — The list of ids of the organizations whose entities to fetch format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "areaAssociationId" : 2,
  "municipalityId" : 7,
  "organizationCollectionType" : { },
  "address" : {
    "streetAddress" : "streetAddress",
    "countryCode" : "countryCode",
    "postCode" : "postCode",
    "state" : "state",
    "postOffice" : "postOffice"
  "areaAssociationName" : "areaAssociationName",
  "businessId" : "businessId",
  "description" : "description",
  "sportsFederationId" : 5,
  "officialName" : "officialName",
  "abbreviation" : "abbreviation",
  "parentOrganizationId" : 1,
  "organizationType" : { },
  "sportId" : 6,
  "emailAddress" : "emailAddress",
  "phoneNumber" : "phoneNumber",
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "masterSportId" : 9,
  "masterClubName" : "masterClubName",
  "masterClubId" : 5,
  "registrationNumber" : "registrationNumber",
  "iban" : "iban",
  "id" : 0,
  "bic" : "bic"
}, {
  "areaAssociationId" : 2,
  "municipalityId" : 7,
  "organizationCollectionType" : { },
  "address" : {
    "streetAddress" : "streetAddress",
    "countryCode" : "countryCode",
    "postCode" : "postCode",
    "state" : "state",
    "postOffice" : "postOffice"
  "areaAssociationName" : "areaAssociationName",
  "businessId" : "businessId",
  "description" : "description",
  "sportsFederationId" : 5,
  "officialName" : "officialName",
  "abbreviation" : "abbreviation",
  "parentOrganizationId" : 1,
  "organizationType" : { },
  "sportId" : 6,
  "emailAddress" : "emailAddress",
  "phoneNumber" : "phoneNumber",
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "masterSportId" : 9,
  "masterClubName" : "masterClubName",
  "masterClubId" : 5,
  "registrationNumber" : "registrationNumber",
  "iban" : "iban",
  "id" : 0,
  "bic" : "bic"
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The set of organization entities.

get /organization/queryVisibility
Query public API visibility of organizations (queryVisibility)

Queries which of the organizations whose ids are passed are visible via the public organization APIs. Organizations which are not visible will not appear in the results of any public organization API call. An organization is not visible if it is either

This API call returns the subset of ids of visible organizations out of the given organization ids.

Query parameters

organizationIds (required)
Query Parameter — The list of ids of the organizations whose visibility is to be queried format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ 0, 0 ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The subset of ids of visible organizations out of the given organization ids

get /organization/search
Search Suomisport organizations (search)
Searches Suomisport organizations by business id, registration number, or name. The search will return a maximum of 20 results per organization origin. If no search terms are specified, an empty list is returned. The results can be further constrained by a sports federation id and organization type. The sports federation id constraint only affects organizations with origin SUOMISPORT or SINETTISEURAT. The results also include organizations imported from Seuraverkko and Sinettiseurat.


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

businessId (optional)
Query Parameter — Organization business id
registrationNumber (optional)
Query Parameter — Organization registration number
name (optional)
Query Parameter — Organization name (case-insensitive)
sportsFederationId (optional)
Query Parameter — Sports federation id format: int64
type (optional)
Query Parameter — Organization type
collectionType (optional)
Query Parameter — Organization collection type

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
[ {
  "organizationType" : { },
  "organizationCollectionType" : { },
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "organizationOrigin" : { },
  "id" : 0,
  "hasAdminUsers" : true,
  "organizationCollectionDetails" : {
    "superOrganizationId" : 6,
    "memberOrganizationCount" : 1
}, {
  "organizationType" : { },
  "organizationCollectionType" : { },
  "sportsFederationName" : "sportsFederationName",
  "primaryName" : "primaryName",
  "organizationOrigin" : { },
  "id" : 0,
  "hasAdminUsers" : true,
  "organizationCollectionDetails" : {
    "superOrganizationId" : 6,
    "memberOrganizationCount" : 1
} ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Returns found organization details as an array.


post /event
Create a new Suomisport Event (createEvent)

Request body

input CreateEvent (optional)
Body Parameter — The information of the event to be created

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "organizerId" : 6,
  "visibility" : { },
  "name" : "name",
  "id" : 0,
  "uuid" : "uuid",
  "status" : { }


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The information of the created event CreatedEvent

get /event
Retrieve page of events (getEvents)

Query parameters

page (optional)
Query Parameter — Skip over a number of elements by specifying an offset value for the query default: 0 format: int32
size (optional)
Query Parameter — Limit the number of elements on the response default: 50 format: int32
attendeeMaxBirthDate (optional)
Query Parameter — Maximum allowed birthdate of an attendee format: date
attendeeMinBirthDate (optional)
Query Parameter — Minimum allowed birthdate of an attendee format: date
dateTimeRangeStart (optional)
Query Parameter — The start time and date of the search date range. The time is interpreted as a local time in the timezone of the events to be searched. format: date-time
dateTimeRangeEnd (optional)
Query Parameter — The end time and date of the search date range. The time is interpreted as a local time in the timezone of the events to be searched. format: date-time
sportEventSponsoringProjectName (optional)
Query Parameter — The case insensitive name of the sport event sponsoring project (for example HOBIHOBI or Lisää Liikettä)
municipalityName (optional)
Query Parameter — The case insensitive name of the municipality linked to event (for example Tampere or vantaa)
gender (optional)
Query Parameter — The gender of the attendee
mastersportIds (optional)
Query Parameter — The ids of the mastersports linked to the federation sports of the event format: int64
sportNames (optional)
Query Parameter — Search terms used to search from master sport and sport names of event
minPriceInCents (optional)
Query Parameter — Min participation fee of the event in cents format: int64
maxPriceInCents (optional)
Query Parameter — Max participation fee of the event in cents format: int64
tag (optional)
Query Parameter — The tag linked to the event (deprecated, use tags instead)
tags (optional)
Query Parameter — The tags linked to the event
attendeeLocationLat (optional)
Query Parameter — The Attendee latitude coordinate format: double
attendeeLocationLong (optional)
Query Parameter — The Attendee longitude coordinate format: double
sort (optional)
Query Parameter — The field names used to sort the events
searchTerm (optional)
Query Parameter — Search term used to search by event name, tag, location, organizer name and sports

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "pageable" : {
    "total" : 0,
    "size" : 1,
    "page" : 0
  "content" : [ {
    "municipalityNameSe" : "municipalityNameSe",
    "registrationMinBirthDate" : "2000-01-23",
    "municipalityId" : 2,
    "locationDescription" : "locationDescription",
    "locationAddress" : "locationAddress",
    "uuid" : "uuid",
    "currentAttendeeCount" : 1,
    "registrationMaxBirthDate" : "2000-01-23",
    "parentSeriesEventUuid" : "parentSeriesEventUuid",
    "organizerId" : 6,
    "municipalityNameFi" : "municipalityNameFi",
    "sportEventSponsoringProjectIds" : [ 3, 3 ],
    "eventKind" : "INDIVIDUAL",
    "imageUrl" : "imageUrl",
    "organizerName" : "organizerName",
    "locationCoordinates" : {
      "lon" : 2.3021358869347655,
      "lat" : 5.637376656633329
    "eventId" : 0,
    "allowedGender" : "MALE",
    "registrationEndTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "sports" : [ "sports", "sports" ],
    "mastersports" : [ "mastersports", "mastersports" ],
    "priceInCents" : 7,
    "parentSeriesEventName" : "parentSeriesEventName",
    "endDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "registrationStartTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "tags" : [ "tags", "tags" ],
    "parentSeriesEventId" : 9,
    "maxAttendeeCount" : 5,
    "startDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "sportEventSponsoringProjectNames" : [ "sportEventSponsoringProjectNames", "sportEventSponsoringProjectNames" ],
    "name" : "name"
  }, {
    "municipalityNameSe" : "municipalityNameSe",
    "registrationMinBirthDate" : "2000-01-23",
    "municipalityId" : 2,
    "locationDescription" : "locationDescription",
    "locationAddress" : "locationAddress",
    "uuid" : "uuid",
    "currentAttendeeCount" : 1,
    "registrationMaxBirthDate" : "2000-01-23",
    "parentSeriesEventUuid" : "parentSeriesEventUuid",
    "organizerId" : 6,
    "municipalityNameFi" : "municipalityNameFi",
    "sportEventSponsoringProjectIds" : [ 3, 3 ],
    "eventKind" : "INDIVIDUAL",
    "imageUrl" : "imageUrl",
    "organizerName" : "organizerName",
    "locationCoordinates" : {
      "lon" : 2.3021358869347655,
      "lat" : 5.637376656633329
    "eventId" : 0,
    "allowedGender" : "MALE",
    "registrationEndTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "sports" : [ "sports", "sports" ],
    "mastersports" : [ "mastersports", "mastersports" ],
    "priceInCents" : 7,
    "parentSeriesEventName" : "parentSeriesEventName",
    "endDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "registrationStartTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "tags" : [ "tags", "tags" ],
    "parentSeriesEventId" : 9,
    "maxAttendeeCount" : 5,
    "startDateTime" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
    "sportEventSponsoringProjectNames" : [ "sportEventSponsoringProjectNames", "sportEventSponsoringProjectNames" ],
    "name" : "name"
  } ]


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



The page of Suomisport events ApiEventPage


get /user/{sportId}/user-id
Retrieve the Suomisport User ID by the User Sport-ID (findUserIdByUserSportId)

Path parameters

sportId (required)
Path Parameter — The Sport-ID of the User. Sport-ID is an eight- or nine-digit identifier of a person. format: int64

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "userId" : 0


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



Returns the Suomisport ID of the requested user UserInfo


The Sport-ID is invalid or authorized API user has no rights to requested user


[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. ApiEventPage -
  2. ApiMasterSport -
  3. ApiSportsClub -
  4. AreaAssociation -
  5. CreateEvent -
  6. CreateEventParticipants -
  7. CreateMerit -
  8. CreatedEvent -
  9. CreatedMerit -
  10. EducationalSystem -
  11. EventAllowedRegisterer -
  12. EventDateTime -
  13. EventKind -
  14. EventLocation -
  15. EventPriceDetails -
  16. EventPurpose -
  17. EventStatus -
  18. EventVisibility -
  19. EventWebhookEvent -
  20. EventWebhookEvent_eventPayload -
  21. EventWebhookEvent_eventRegistrationPayload -
  22. GrantStatementGroup -
  23. MeritGrant -
  24. MunicipalityListResponse -
  25. OrganizationCollectionType -
  26. OrganizationOrigin -
  27. OrganizationSearchResponse -
  28. OrganizationSearchResponse_organizationCollectionDetails -
  29. OrganizationType -
  30. Pageable -
  31. PublicAPIEventSearchResult -
  32. PublicAddress -
  33. PublicOrganization -
  34. PublicOrganizationPage -
  35. PublicOrganizationSelectItem -
  36. SimplifiedOrganizationSearchResponse -
  37. Token -
  38. UserInfo -
  39. Version -

ApiEventPage - Up

Page of Suomisport events.
content (optional)
array[PublicAPIEventSearchResult] The list of events on the page
pageable (optional)

ApiMasterSport - Up

Suomisport organization entity.
id (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of the sport. format: int64
String Finnish name of sport
nameSe (optional)
String Swedish name of sport
description (optional)
String The description of the sport

ApiSportsClub - Up

A CLUB level organization, coupled with the master sports, acquired through sports federation association.
id (optional)
Long The id of the organization. format: int64
primaryName (optional)
String The primary name of the organization.
sportsFederationId (optional)
Long The id of the sports federation. format: int64
sportsFederationName (optional)
String The name of the associated sports federation.
sports (optional)
array[ApiMasterSport] List of the sports of the associated sports federation.

AreaAssociation - Up

Area association related to the municipality.
id (optional)
Long The id of the area association related to the municipality. format: int64
primaryName (optional)
String The primary name of the area association.
emailAddress (optional)
String The email address of the area association.
phoneNumber (optional)
String The phone number of the area association.

CreateEvent - Up

The information of the event to be created
String The name of the event
description (optional)
String The description of the event
Long Suomisport ID of the organization organizing the event format: int64
locationAddress (optional)
String The street address where the event is held
locationDescription (optional)
String Detailed description of the place where the event is held
locationCoordinates (optional)
EventLocation Coordinates of the place where the event is held
priceDetails (optional)
EventPriceDetails The price details of the event
municipalityId (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of the municipality related to the event format: int64
mastersportIds (optional)
array[Long] The list of Suomisport mastersport IDs related to the event format: int64
EventDateTime The date and time at which the event starts. The time is stated as a local time in the timezone of the event's location.
EventDateTime The date and time at which the event ends. The time is stated as a local time in the timezone of the event's location.
registrationStartDateTime (optional)
EventDateTime The registration start time. The field should be left blank if the eventPurpose is 'PROMOTION'. Otherwise, the field is required. The time is stated as a local time in the timezone of the event's location. If a value is set, both the date and time must be set.
registrationEndDateTime (optional)
EventDateTime The registration end time. The field should be left blank if the eventPurpose is 'PROMOTION'. Otherwise, the field is required. The time is stated as a local time in the timezone of the event's location. If a value is set, both the date and time must be set.
maxAttendeeCount (optional)
Integer The maximum number of attendees. The absence of a value means that there is no limit. format: int32
Boolean Is registration to the event cancellable
registrationCancellationDeadline (optional)
EventDateTime If registration is cancellable the cancellation deadline must be given. Both date and time are mandatory.
educationalSystem (optional)
EducationalSystem Details of an educational system the event is related to.
meritIds (optional)
array[Long] The list of merit ids that can be granted to event attendees format: int64
status (optional)
eventKind (optional)

CreateEventParticipants - Up

The information of the event participants and optional details of the granting of the event merits
array[Long] The list ids of the users the merit is granted to. The users must be readable by the organization - i.e. the users must have a valid licence, insurance or membership or a recent event registration for the granting organization. The format is array of unique Suomisport user ids (integers). format: int64
Boolean Should event merits be granted for participants
meritGrant (optional)
MeritGrant The details of the granting of the event merits. These details are mandatory if grantEventMerits is set to 'true'.

CreateMerit - Up

A merit contains the information of a single merit.
String The name of the merit.
String The description of the merit.
Long The Suomisport id of the merit group that owns this merit. format: int64
Long The Suomisport id of the owner organization of the merit format: int64

The type of entity who can grant this merit. The legal values are:

  • BOTH means that both a club and a sport federation can grant this merit.
  • CLUB means that only a club can grant this merit.
  • FEDERATION means that only a sport federation can grant this merit.

The type of the validity period. The legal values are:

  • PERPETUAL means that the awarded merit is valid without any time-bound limitations.
  • FIXED_DURATION means that the awarded merit is valid for given period for example 3 years.
  • FIXED_DATE means that the awarded merit is valid until the given date for example 25-05-2018.

The type of this merit. The legal values are:

  • COMPETITION means that the merit is for competitional purpose like belts in many martial arts.
  • CARD means that the merit is for other than competitional purposes like getting free entrance on games or honoring person who has done 10 years of work for some club or federation.
validityFixedDate (optional)
date The end date of the validity period. This is given only if the value of the meritValidityPeriodType is FIXED_DATE. format: date
validityFixedDurationInMonths (optional)
Integer The validity period of this merit in months. This given only if the value of the meritValidityPeriodType is FIXED_DURATION. format: int16
mastersportIds (optional)
array[Long] The list of Suomisport mastersport IDs related to the merit format: int64
userProvidedMasterSportRequired (optional)
Boolean Does this merit require input from user (e.g. in event registration) to correctly tie it to desired master sport(s).

CreatedEvent - Up

Contains the subset of the information of the created event
Long The Suomisport ID of the event. This is the ID of the database object and is mainly for internal usage. format: int64
String The unique UUID of the event. This is the generated UUID of the event and is mainly used for public access to the event.
String The name of the event
Long Suomisport ID of the organization organizing the event format: int64

CreatedMerit - Up

A merit contains the information of a single merit.
id (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of the merit. format: int64
meritGroupId (optional)
Long The Suomisport ID of the merit group that owns this merit. format: int64
name (optional)
String The name of this merit.

EducationalSystem - Up

Details of an educational system the event is related to.

The name/type of the educational system. Legal values are:

String The id of the educational system course the Event is related to

EventAllowedRegisterer - Up

Contains the visibility settings of an event. Legal values are:

EventDateTime - Up

The date and time at which the event starts. The time is optional and is stated as a local time in the timezone of the event's location.
date The date at which the event starts (yyyy-mm-dd) format: date
example: 2021-11-01
time (optional)
String The time at which the event starts (HH:MM)
example: 12:00

EventKind - Up

Contains the event kind. For external API users INDIVIDUAL is the way to go.

EventLocation - Up

Geographical coordinates.
Double Latitude coordinate format: double
Double Longitude coordinate format: double

EventPriceDetails - Up

The event price details.
String The name of the price
String The description of the price
Integer The event price in cents

EventPurpose - Up

Contains the function or the purpose of the event

EventStatus - Up

Contains the status of an event

EventVisibility - Up

Contains the visibility settings of an event. Legal values are:

EventWebhookEvent - Up

Payload of the event webhooks.
Long The unique ID of the webhook event. format: int64
eventPayload (optional)
eventRegistrationPayload (optional)

EventWebhookEvent_eventPayload - Up

The payload for the Event webhook events
String The type of the Suomisport Event webhook events
Long The ID of the Suomisport event the webhook event is targeted for format: int64
Date The modification time of the event format: date-time

EventWebhookEvent_eventRegistrationPayload - Up

The payload for the Event registration webhook events
String The type of the Suomisport Event webhook events
Long The ID of the Suomisport event the registration is related to format: int64
Long The ID of the event registration format: int64
Long The ID of the registered Suomisport user format: int64
Date The modification time of the event registration format: date-time

GrantStatementGroup - Up

Grant statement group
primaryName (optional)
String The primary name of grant statement group (Aluelausujaryhmä)
id (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of grant statement group (Aluelausujaryhmä) format: int64

MeritGrant - Up

The details of the granting of the event merits. These details are mandatory if grantEventMerits is set to 'true'.
date The granting date for the merit (yyyy-mm-dd) format: date
granterUserId (optional)
Long The optional Suomisport user id of the merit granter. Either the granter user id or the merit granter must be provided. If both are provided, the granter user id takes precedence over the granter name. format: int64
meritGranter (optional)
String The optional name for the merit granter. Either the granter user id or the merit granter must be provided. If both are provided, the granter user id takes precedence over the granter name.
meritAdditionalInfo (optional)
String The optional additional info for the granted merit.
registrationDate (optional)
date The optional date when the merit was acknowledged by an external party. For example, most higher belt ranks used in combat sports must be acknowledged by an international sport federation, and this field contains the date when this was done. (yyyy-mm-dd) format: date
notifyGrantees (optional)
Boolean Optional setting to control whether to notify the grantees on the granted merit. Default functionality is to notify the new grantees.

MunicipalityListResponse - Up

Contains the details of the Finnish municipalities.
id (optional)
Long The id of the municipality. format: int64
nameFi (optional)
String The Finnish name of the municipality.
nameSe (optional)
String The Swedish name of the municipality.
areaAssociation (optional)

OrganizationCollectionType - Up

Organization collection type definition

OrganizationOrigin - Up

Defines the origin of the organization.

OrganizationSearchResponse - Up

Contains the details of the found Suomisport organization.
id (optional)
Long The id of the organization. Should be combined with organizationOrigin to ensure uniqueness. format: int64
primaryName (optional)
String The primary name of the organization.
organizationType (optional)
organizationCollectionType (optional)
organizationOrigin (optional)
hasAdminUsers (optional)
Boolean For organizations with origin SUOMISPORT: true, if the organization has at least one admin user.
sportsFederationName (optional)
String The name of the sports federation of this organization.
organizationCollectionDetails (optional)

OrganizationSearchResponse_organizationCollectionDetails - Up

Details about the related organization collection if one exists
superOrganizationId (optional)
Long The id of the found organization's super organization, if one exists format: int64
memberOrganizationCount (optional)
Long The number of found member organizations for organization collection format: int64

OrganizationType - Up

Organization type definition

Pageable - Up

Pageable listing page details
page (optional)
Integer The zero-based page number format: int32
size (optional)
Integer The page size format: int32
total (optional)
Integer The total number of retrievable elements format: int32

PublicAPIEventSearchResult - Up

Search results of an event organized by a sports organization.
eventId (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of the event format: int64
name (optional)
String The event name
sports (optional)
array[String] The list of sport disciplines exercised at the event
mastersports (optional)
array[String] The list of mastersports related to sports of the event
organizerId (optional)
Long Suomisport ID of the organization organizing the event format: int64
organizerName (optional)
String The name of the organization organizing the event
startDateTime (optional)
Date The date and time at which the event starts. The time is stated as a local time in the timezone of the event's location, regardless of the timezone reported in this data field. format: date-time
endDateTime (optional)
Date The date and time at which the event ends. The time is stated as a local time in the timezone of the event's location, regardless of the timezone reported in this data field. format: date-time
currentAttendeeCount (optional)
Integer The number of currently enrolled attendees format: int32
maxAttendeeCount (optional)
Integer The maximum number of attendees format: int32
locationAddress (optional)
String The street address where the event is held
locationDescription (optional)
String Detailed description of the place where the event is held
locationCoordinates (optional)
EventLocation Coordinates of the place where the event is held
uuid (optional)
String Unique identifier of the event
priceInCents (optional)
Long Participation fee of the event in cents format: int64
parentSeriesEventId (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of this event's parent series event format: int64
parentSeriesEventUuid (optional)
String The uuid of this event's parent series event
parentSeriesEventName (optional)
String The name of this event's parent series event
sportEventSponsoringProjectNames (optional)
array[String] The list of names of the sponsoring projects of the event
sportEventSponsoringProjectIds (optional)
array[Long] The list of ids of the sponsoring projects of the event format: int64
municipalityNameFi (optional)
String The Finnish name of the municipality of the event
municipalityNameSe (optional)
String The Swedish name of the municipality of the event
municipalityId (optional)
Long The id of the municipality of the event format: int64
registrationMaxBirthDate (optional)
date The registration max birth date format: date
registrationMinBirthDate (optional)
date The registration min birth date format: date
registrationStartTime (optional)
Date The registration start time format: date-time
registrationEndTime (optional)
Date The registration end time format: date-time
tags (optional)
array[String] Tags linked to the event
allowedGender (optional)
String The gender which is required for attendee. If the gender field is null, user with any gender can attend.
imageUrl (optional)
String URL of the image of the event
eventKind (optional)
String Type of event

PublicAddress - Up

Full address of the organization
streetAddress (optional)
String The street address
postCode (optional)
String The post code
postOffice (optional)
String The post office
state (optional)
String The state
countryCode (optional)
String The country code

PublicOrganization - Up

Suomisport organization entity.
id (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of the organization. format: int64
organizationCollectionType (optional)
String The organization official name
abbreviation (optional)
String The organization name abbreviation
description (optional)
String The long description of the organization
sportId (optional)
Long The Sport-ID of the organization format: int64
parentOrganizationId (optional)
Long The parent organization id of the organization format: int64
sportsFederationId (optional)
Long The parent federation id of the organization format: int64
masterClubId (optional)
Long The organization's master club's organization id format: int64
areaAssociationId (optional)
Long The organization's area association's organization id format: int64
emailAddress (optional)
String The email address of the organization
phoneNumber (optional)
String The phone number of the organization
businessId (optional)
String The business id of the organization
registrationNumber (optional)
String The registration number of the organization
address (optional)
municipalityId (optional)
Long The municipality id of the organization format: int64
masterSportId (optional)
Long The Suomisport master sport id of the organization format: int64
iban (optional)
String The IBAN of the organization
bic (optional)
String The BIC of the organization
sportsFederationName (optional)
String The parent federation name of the organization
masterClubName (optional)
String The name of the master club containing this organization
areaAssociationName (optional)
String The name of the area association containing this organization

PublicOrganizationPage - Up

Page of organizations. The page of organizations is used to iterate through the list of organizations.
content (optional)
array[PublicOrganization] The list of organization entries on the page
pageable (optional)

PublicOrganizationSelectItem - Up

Organization item displayed in a UI element for selection.
id (optional)
Long The Suomisport id of the organization. format: int64
officialName (optional)
String The official name of the organization.
grantStatementGroup (optional)

SimplifiedOrganizationSearchResponse - Up

Contains only name and id of the organization.
id (optional)
Long The id of the organization. format: int64
primaryName (optional)
String The primary name of the organization.

Token - Up

OAuth 2 token dto
expires_in (optional)
Integer Number of seconds until the access_token expires
refresh_token (optional)
String OAuth 2 refresh token
access_token (optional)
String OAuth 2 access token
id_token (optional)
String OpenID Connect id token
token_type (optional)
String The token type is always Bearer

UserInfo - Up

Suomisport User ID information
userId (optional)
Long Suomisport ID of the requested user format: int64

Version - Up

API version information. Contains full version information, as well as the major, minor and patch versions as separate structured fields.
fullVersion (optional)
String Full version number of the API. Format. ...
major (optional)
Integer Major version of the API. format: int32
minor (optional)
Integer Minor version of the API. format: int32
patch (optional)
String Revision number of the API. The revision number can be either release revision or development revision.