Accessibility statement

This Is the Accessibility Statement for the Finnish Olympic Committee’s Suomisport Service

This accessibility statement applies to the website and was drawn up on 10.2.2023. The website is subject to the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (in Finnish), which means that public web services must be accessible.

The Olympic Committee wants to make sure that accessibility is been carried out so that everyone has an equal possibility to use digital services. Website accessibility improves the user experience for all.

This evaluation was conducted by an outside expert organization.

Accessibility of the service

The service is partially compliant with accessibility standards but is not yet fully accessible for all users.

The shortcomings have been grouped into the following categories:

  • perceivable
  • operable
  • understandable
  • robust.


  • No Descriptive Alternate Text on Links
    There are some logos on the frontpage which do not have an alternate text (alt-text).

  • Lack of Alternate Texts in Picture Links
    There are picture links in the service with no alternate text. Alternate texts help assistive technology users to understand a link’s target or meaning.

  • Logo Links Lack Alternate Texts
    The Facebook-logo link in the footer lacks a visible alternate text.

  • Pictures with Text
    Pictures in the frontpage carousels have text that cannot be accessed with assistive technology.

  • Hidden Pages in The Carousel Have Not Been Hidden from Keyboard- And Assistive Technology Users
    Hidden picture links get keyboard- and assistive technology focus even though they are not visible.

  • Unclear And Foreign Language on Carousel Selection Buttons
    The selection buttons of the carousel are in English and are do not describe the purpose of the button.

  • Carousel’s Links May Be Unavailable in Mobile Use
    Pictures in the first carousel on the frontpage are unavailable for screen reader use on Apple iOS.

  • Unclear Purpose of a Selection Box
    There is an incorrectly labeled selection box on the “Login”-page, which meaning can be unclear for an assistive technology user.

  • Unnecessary Accessible Name for a Picture
    The logo in the upper corner of the event search has an unnecessary accessible name.

  • Links Cannot Be Identified as Links
    There is a link in the footer that cannot be identified as links from other content.

  • Button Marked as a Link
    There is a button on the event search page with opening content. It has mistakenly been marked as a link.

  • Function on the Site Which Assistive Technology Users Get No Information of
    There are instructions on the “Functionalities” page which open new content once clicked on. An assistive technology user does not get information of the new content.

  • Illogicalities in Headings
    There is a page on the site with no main title and other content with lacking headings.

  • Only Color Used to Transmit Information
    There are links on the page which cannot be distinguished from other content except for by color.

  • Content With Weak Contrast
    There are text, links and buttons on the site which text can be hard to distinguish due to low color contrast.

  • Unreadable Text Once Zoomed
    There is content on the site which becomes unreadable when zoomed into 200 percent.

  • Low Contrast in the Keyboard Focus of Links and Buttons
    The Contrast of some elements’ keyboard focus is too low.

  • Readability of Text Once Modified
    The text does not stay readable in all pages when it is enhanced according to the accessibility guidelines. (More space between letters and words).


  • Widget That Cannot Be Opened with Keyboard
    The “Help” widget cannot be opened when using a keyboard.

  • Hamburger Menu Does Not Work with Keyboard
    The hamburger menu (in the main menu) cannot be opened when using a keyboard. This hampers especially mobile use.

  • Elements With No Keyboard Focus
    There are links and buttons on the site which do not get keyboard focus.

  • Focus Does Not Move to the Popup Form.
    The keyboard- and assistive technology focus does not move into the form opened with a button on the “Club Services” site.

  • Jump Link Does Not Take User to Content
    The “Skip to content” -link that is only visible for keyboard and assistive technology users does not take the user past navigation to the main content.

  • The “Send”-button of the Log In Page Activates Without Focus
    The “Send me a login code” -button activates with the Enter key even though it has no keyboard nor assistive technology focus.

  • Moving Content Cannot Be Stopped
    There are carousels in the service which pages change automatically. The user cannot stop the automatic motion.

  • Recurring Content That Cannot be Skipped
    There is content on some pages which loads when scrolling down the page. The content cannot be skipped with keyboard and assistive technology.

  • Undescriptive Page Titles
    Some of the page titles do not describe the contents of the page. The heading can be just “Suomisport” on some pages.

  • Lacking Ways of Finding Information
    It is not possible for the user to find information and content in multiple ways.

  • Elements With No Visible Keyboard Focus
    There are elements on the site which get keyboard focus, but it’s not visible.

  • Links With the Same Name That Lead to Different Targets
    There are multiple links with the same name on the site that lead to different targets.


  • The User Is Taken to an External Service Without Warning
    There are links on the site that take the user to an external service without warning.
  • Illogical Navigation
    The navigation of the service is not similar on all pages and the user does not always have the possibility to navigate logically in there.


  • Elements with the same ID
    There are elements on the site with the same IDs.

  • Lacking Accessible Names in the Language Menu
    The Language menu is lacking accessible name, which makes it hard to tell the purpose of the menu for assistive technology user.

  • Unnamed Embedding
    There is an unnecessary embedding with lacking name on the site.

  • Buttons With Unclear Status
    There are buttons on the site, which status does not occur for assistive technology users.

  • Inputs With Missing Descriptions
    There is a date field on the event search page with no accessible name.

Did You Notice a Shortcoming in Our Digital Service?

You can report a shortcoming in the feedback form (, just choose the topic “Saavutettavuus = Accessibility”. You can also send your feedback via email to Please let us know the problem in detail and which page it is located in.

If you notice an accessibility issue on our page, please provide us first with feedback. It can take 14 days for us to respond. If you are dissatisfied with the response or do not get a response in two weeks, you can announce us to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. Opens in a new tab. It is clearly stated on their website how to make the announcement and how it is processed.

Contact information for the supervisory unit

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Supervisory unit for accessibility
tel. (switchboard) 0295 016 000